Must need tips for preparing SAS resume – Part II

 It really seems to me that everyone is quite excited in building their resume format suitably in order to seek the attention of the interviewer. I hope so my last post “Some of the helpful tips for preparing SAS resume after completion of SAS training” would have help you. I presume that this may be the reason you might be attracted to read some few more tips and techniques and articulate ideas regarding the resume building. Let us proceed further with few more useful tactics and tips.
He/she should know the Importance and have concern for the first page of resume. This is the most important fragment of the resume. It should be well written and descriptive as the recruiters usually seek for. Mention all the significant points and try to cover all the points regarding your experience, summary, skills sets, contact details and many more. Try to approach the recruiter through all the important information within the first page. Don’t try to mention the apparent objectives instead you can include certifications, experience. This would sound more professional and remarkable. Let me make somewhat clearer with two examples
Example 1: Career objective – I want to face the challenges and want to have a better approach toward my task. I want to utilize my talent in some exigent and challenging assignments/projects
Example 2: Career objective – I am SAScertified professional with 4 years of experience, possess strong analytical skills and have completed MBA and graduation with statistics. I am looking forward for a strong analytical profile where I can apply my analytical skills and knowledge for the company growth.
You can easily make out the genuine and real career objective from the above two that I have portrayed. The second one easily provides the recruiter with some useful information regarding the profile. Don’t think that you will not be provided with a chance to express yourself with an interviewer
Next I would recommend you to highlight your pertinent and relevant experience. You might have other experience too and that you can summarize in four to five lines. The flow of resume should be generic and amenable. The perfect resume should be around 3-4 pages. Don’t make it clumsy rather than the text and all the details should be clear just at one momentary look.
Always avoid the fake experience and you should have justification it and should be able to defend
If you have mentioned that you have 2-3 years of experience in Base SAS, Macro then the interviewer’s expectations are as you would expect going to be at the top and high. You should add your complete project environment to make your profile look more convincing.
You should include all the other tools and skills that you have utilized in the project industry along with primary skills like UNIX, toad, document management tool etc in order to let him know that you have actually worked in a real project environment. Highlight all of your keywords with bold text you want to actually display.
This was my advice as well some healthy tips you can apply and don’t take it casually as you may never know you might miss the opportunity of becoming qualified and shortlisted. Feel free to contact

Sign up as early as possible for the upcoming batches for SAS Advanced Programming

It’s a greeting for all those passed out students along with all other interested candidates that the imminent batches for SAS Advanced programming are scheduled as per the dates fixed and the next SAS Advanced programming batch is going to start from 6 Dec 2013. Let me display the batch details below
Location: Ahmedabad centre
Date: 6 Dec 13, 4 Jan 14, 6 Jan 14, 8 Feb                    
The previous batches for Advance SAS were scheduled in October. Those who were unable to join the training batches have a grand prospect to register for the batches as currently the registration is on flow. Don’t miss it, immediately contact the registration team and book your seats as early as possible. You can also have the Demo sessions by our SAS professionals in case if you want to know more regarding the course duration, course structure, overview and summary regarding modules. They will guide you as per your educational background and domain. The marketing team will let you know the benefits of pursuing with the SAS course and what will the primarily consequences after pursuing for the course.
After the completion of the course if you attain the score as per the requirement, you will become SAS certified. Further if you perform accordingly in the interviews, your chances to enter the MNCs will become broader and ultimately resulting into the best. Take hold of the opportunity and register yourself. You can contact us to enroll for Advance SAS course.

Macro questions and answers for fresher – Part II

Yesterday I posted few of the basic questions along with answers of SAS Macro. I hope so you might have gone through the same and it would have assisted you in respect to your preparation purpose. Today we will continue with few more questions as follows:


SAS Macro questions and answers – Part II

1.    How to produce information map on SAS logo?
Information map can be produced on SAS logo using the code:

2.     How to pass parameters to macro?
Macro parameters allow passing information into a macro:
%macro plot (yvar= ,xvar );
proc plot;
plot &yvar*&xvar;
%mend plot;
%plot (age, sex)

3.     Is it possible to execute a macro within a macro?
Yes it is possible to execute a macro within a macro and it is called as nesting of macros. Nesting of macros is allowed

4.     After execution how the SAS would be able to know where the present macro ended and where the new macro began?
The beginning of a macro is identified by the keyword %macro and the end is identified by %mend

5.     What would you use to load the value of a macro variable if you require the value of macro variable rather than macro variable?
If you require the value of a macro variable, then it should be defined globally. There are different methods of defining a global variable. One of the simplest methods to define global variable is %LET.

6.     Where to use a macro variable if a SYMPUT is used in a datastep?
The macro variable created by the CALL SYMPUT routine cannot be used in the same datastep in which it got created. Other than that we can use the macro variable at any time.  

7.    Can you provide me with an example to assign the value to a macro variable rather than a macro itself?
E.g. for the same: Suppose A is macro variable,
%LET A=”xyz” to x, not the variable xyz to x.
This will assign “xyz” to x, not the variable xyz to x.

So these were the basic but prior questions with answers that can help you during your interview preparation. You can give back your feedback and suggestions if you have any.
You can contact us for SAS training